Every one of us knows it. A new employee is supposed to strengthen the team, but how exactly do I deal with it properly as a colleague?

At the beginning, of course, we have to distinguish between different "newcomers".

  1. Internal change of department
  2. New colleague who has already worked in the department of another company.
  3. A new colleague who has not previously worked in this area.

All three newcomers need a thoroughly organised and individual induction. Don't throw your colleague in at the deep end, but support the induction phase for a smooth arrival in your department.

I will show you in 3 steps how you can do this and make it easier for your colleague to get started:

1. openness: approach your colleague openly, introduce yourself and tell him what your areas of responsibility are in the department. This way he has a direct contact person for questions and feels welcome in the company. Because let's be honest: no one wants to be "the new guy or gal" for a long time. Lay the foundation for good cooperation.

Corporate culture: Explain the corporate/departmental culture. What is paid special attention to within the department (e.g. dress code, speeches by colleagues and superiors) or how, for example, information is documented and passed on. Share your general information with him/her to prevent misunderstandings. 3.

3. organisational matters: All organisational points are usually explained by a human resources manager. If your colleague still has questions, support him/her during the initial period so that he/she can quickly find his/her way around time recording, work and break regulations, holiday planning/ & application, what to do in case of illness/sick leave, food & drink options.

Remember, we were all once in the situation of being "new" and wanted to quickly connect and find orientation. Ultimately, the goal within a department should be to work hand in hand and to move the company forward with satisfaction and full motivation.

Created by Tagliarina Sabrina am 11.03.2021 um 16:00 Uhr