EGOTEC AG is sending out a strong signal in favour of innovation and collaboration: with immediate effect, we are releasing parts of our software open source community. The aim is to promote further development by the community and at the same time to align our own projects even more closely with standards and best practices.

@egotec/form-validator now open source

It all starts with @egotec/form-validator, a flexible tool for validating form data in JavaScript and TypeScript projects. The lightweight NPM package offers developers simple options for implementing validation rules and is now available at

At, for example, we use the form validator to check whether the VAT ID entered has the correct form.

EGOCMS under GPLv3

The powerful EGOCMS content management system is also being made available to the public. It is now available under the GNU General Public Licence Version 3 (GPLv3). This means that developers and companies can use the system freely, expand it and adapt it to individual requirements. The release is intended to channel the dynamism and innovative power of the open source community directly into the further development of EGOCMS.

With this step, EGOTEC is emphasising its commitment to open collaboration and modern software development. The community is cordially invited to use, improve and share the projects.

More information:
Visit our Gitlab page for all current projects and news.

Created by Roth Heiko 60 days ago at 08:45 o'clock