In 2021, you might think that old devices are still widely used in "fully digitalised" Germany. But we have already come a long way in the field of digitalisation. This article will show you which ones are already here and you might even recognise one or two of them.
Time clock with punch card

Nowadays, time recording is more flexible than ever. Depending on the provider (at e.g. via mobile apps, terminal or desktop), there are several different ways to record times in the company.
Many people forget that time clocks with punch cards have a long history behind them. The first ones were used as early as 1800, although their importance only increased enormously with industrialisation. In the meantime, time clocks with punched cards have been replaced by more modern systems that work with modern chips. The advantage of this is that they are more accurate and more reliable than their predecessors.
Application folder

Compiling application documents is an effort that should not be underestimated. Ideally, the cover letter (if it is still required) is individualised and then uploaded electronically either by email or in a separate application portal, together with the other documents. A very convenient endeavour that saves a lot of time. Many people also forget that just a few years ago, this was mainly done in analogue form in the form of an application folder. The compilation and delivery (in person or by post) could be somewhat more time-consuming. However, this effort could also help to increase the chances of being hired. On the other hand, the electronic route is much more efficient. So it's definitely something that some people might miss for good reason.
100 % office duty

Coming to work in the morning and leaving in the evening after work. For many decades, this was an irrevocable part of working life. In contrast, other countries, such as Sweden, already had a teleworking rate of over 30% before coronavirus. In Germany, on the other hand, it was just 4%.
But then came the time of the coronavirus pandemic and companies in Germany were obliged to offer home office unless there were compelling operational reasons not to do so. As a result, 24% of employees in Germany were working from home in January 2021, which is a drastic improvement. However, it is also clear that many employers still insist on mandatory presence, even if this is not absolutely necessary. Experts assume that the trend towards a more flexible working environment will continue after coronavirus. The report about Apple employees who are resisting having to return to the office three days a week is an example of this. Employers will probably no longer be able to avoid following this trend if they want to retain good employees.