Due to current demand "how can we create / manage short-time work" in SaaS.de". Here is a short instruction.

For HomeOffice you can find instructions here.

In the administration under Reasons for absence you can manage your reasons for absence such as holiday, illness, etc..

Proceed as follows to create them:

  1. click on the plus in the top left-hand corner
  2. as name e.g.: Short-time work / KUG
  3. Allow by on e.g. Head of department then employees cannot apply for short-time work themselves, but it must be entered by a superior
  4. Substitution can be deactivated, if all / many employees are on short-time work, a substitute is not necessarily needed.

Short-time work

You can now enter short-time work in the annual or monthly calendar for the relevant employees.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your SaaS.de Team

Created by Patrick Schön am 25.03.2020 um 13:30 Uhr